To remember, commemorate and honor Eliseo Fernandez

From his family and very close friends

Eliseo Fernandez passed away on May 13, 2017. He was a friend of the Community of Reason for decades. A sampling of his interests included the history and philosophy of science, pragmatism (the Charles Peirce variety), history of technology, and biosemiotics, among other fields and disciplines. As such his interests dovetailed very well with the stated goals of the Community of Reason. Over the years he gave several lectures and attended presentations given by others at the Community of Reason. Eliseo was deeply committed to learning and spreading the knowledge that he had accumulated over many years with the hope that others might benefit from it and, perhaps, carry the torch of knowledge into the future.

He is sorely missed by all who knew him and benefited from his willingness to share his treasury of scholarship and his own insights with others.

From James A Webb, President of Community of Reason KC

Eliseo Fernandez was a dear friend to me personally and a friend to Community of Reason who presented a number of talks to us on topics related to evolution and science. We lost Eliseo earlier this year rather suddenly from cancer and related problems. Eliseo personified reason in the best sense combined with a kindness and generosity of spirit. He knew more about topics that interest me – history and philosophy of science — and the thought of Charles Peirce than I could imagine anyone knowing. His gentleness and openness survived having to leave a dictatorship in Argentina. Pettiness and vindictiveness were just completely absent from Eliseo’s being. He is missed.

 From a CoR KC member

I immensely gained both intellectually and personally from his association.  He is a great loss to us all.



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