A Center for Free Thought

Main photo: “The Death of Socrates” by Jacques-Louis David, public domain

We are a community of persons, based in the Kansas City Metro Area, who are lovers of truth, reason, and people.

The solution has to start with the real story” Raoul Peck

(Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84206282809?pwd=THdkQlNBNENjZ3Bpbit5Z1grN3hEZz09
meeting location, map, and more Zoom options below.)

Program for Sunday, September 8, 2024

It’s Ken’s Birthday[1]

(No CoR Program — BUT AT 2:00 PM…)

You are invited to Ken Schmitz’ BIRTHDAY and Pizza PARTY–his house (Please RSVP)

(And Ken is playing the movie Oppenheimer, all three hours.)

No official Community of Reason program this Sunday — instead you are invited to Dr. Ken Schmitz’s birthday party!!! Location is east of Raytown, Missouri. Anyone who wants to watch the movie with Ken is welcome, or just party. We will probably have some running commentary, and a bunch of paper cranes.

Theo wanted to honor our long time member and oft presenter Dr. Kenneth Schmitz, and it happens to be his birthday week. Of course the honoree (victim?) is doing some work to make this fun, and also an opportunity for some of his friends to see the movie together, which we can discuss at a later meeting. Special feature of this party is hand made pizzas each person helps assemble. Ken has arranged a large number of ingredients, and Gordon will bring some special diet ingredients (as discussed in his diet talk).

Each of you will prepare your own pizza for the oven, materials will be supplied. Ken has arranged pork sausage, hamburger, bacon, Canadian bacon, olives, jalapenos, anchovies, spinach/kale, diced tomatoes, sauerkraut, two cheeses, two toppings, different types of crusts, and a couple other “standard” ingredients. Gordon and Peggy are arranging ingredients for their new specialty, “Pickle Pizza”, and a small number of handmade cauliflower crusts with no grains for special diets. If you want to bring specific pizza topping ingredients feel welcome, this is part of the experience! (Or bring another dish, but nothing is required except you show up!) Guests may arrive as early as 1 PM, but the movie will play from 2 to 5, it is 3 hours 2 minutes long. We will also prepare pizzas during the movie so feel free to arrive by 2 PM.

Please RSVP to Secretary where you get your meeting announcement, and we will send you an invitation to Ken’s birthday party with specific address and driving directions. (Not putting addresses on the Internet.) Or leave a message at the phone number at the bottom of this page and someone will call you back with information.

Party starts at 2:00 PM (same as the regular CoR meeting time).

Zoom meeting will be running, starting normal time, but just for talking to party guests.

[1] Image Credit: Wikipedia, Birthday Candles: By Ed g2s – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=303792.

Future Programs

  • September TBD: Card Games and Probability, Ken Schmitz.

All card games are based on a random distribution of cards in the deck. Randomness is the basis of probabilities of play. In games that collect tricks, such as Bridge and Euchre, local nonrandom distributions are crated, thus requiring thorough shuffling between hands. Probabilities associated with three games are discussed in some detail: Bridge (the location of 50% of the cards are unknown); Euchre (the location of cards in three hands are unknown); and Casino Blackjack, a player-dealer game in which other players cards are irrelevant). The characteristics of these three games are compared. A general method of determining the “hidden” card locations in Bridge and Euchre is given. Seven methods of shuffling are presented.

There are two ways to join our meeting (2:00 to 4:00 PM)

1. In Person: 312 Haag Hall, UMKC: (NOT MEETING AT UMKC THIS SUNDAY!!! RSVP to Ken’s birthday)

5211 Charlotte St. Parking. (Click enlarge)
Image components: Google Maps https://goo.gl/maps/b3XtZV2LaBh8diM97

Our Sunday CoR meetings are now held in Haag Hall, 312, on the UMKC Campus. Free parking is plentiful on Sundays. It is strongly advised (because of the extreme convenience provided) that the parking building be used. Drive to level 4 of the parking building at the corner of 52nd and Rockhill Road. (The entrances are a little south-west on Charlotte street.) After parking, walk across the aerial skywalk to Haag and Royall Halls. The skywalk dead-ends in a hallway on the 3rd floor. After the reaching the hallway, turn to your right. Walk a few steps, turn to your right. Enter Haag 312.

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/b3XtZV2LaBh8diM97

Google and Apple Maps give accurate parking garage directions for “5211 Charlotte St., Kansas City, MO.” Spiral up the garage to level 4 on the west side, and use the east side to descend to the street level. (If on the way you wind up on Holmes, drive east on 53rd to Charlotte, as 52nd is one-way westbound, but to exit to Holmes use 52nd. Most will exit directly to Rockhill, and must use 53rd.)


2. Zoom meeting athttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84206282809?pwd=THdkQlNBNENjZ3Bpbit5Z1grN3hEZz09 (NEW–Click here for web browser or Zoom enabled cell phone.)

One tap voice only mobile
+17193594580,,84206282809#,,,,*534617# US
+12532050468,,84206282809#,,,,*534617# US

Telephone or mobile phone: +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston).
Meeting ID: 842 0628 2809
Passcode: 534617 (NEW, you will need this if not using the links above.)

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keFbqlhipP

For past programs, please check out our Monthly schedules page.


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